Thursday, 19 July 2012


I have been studying this week. When everyone else I know seems to be graduating from Uni, I have decided that I want to return! I did go to uni back in 2009 but only lasted for about 5 months as I just hated the course. I studied at University of Gloucestershire and I loved the social aspects and made some lovely friends- but I just couldn't justify spending 3 years studying English Literature when I hated it so much.

So after spending the last 2 and a half years working as a Care Assistant in a Nursing Home, I have decided to study an Access to teaching course through the Distance Learning Centre. I did think about going back to traditional college to do this, but I can't really afford to give up my job.

Studying from home is going to take a lot of motivation and organisation of my time- but I really want to become an early years teacher so I know I can do it!

I have also managed to line up some volunteer work at a primary school, one day a week starting in September :) I'm very excited about this!

This post has nothing to do with fashion or beauty, which is what I am basing my blog around. However, I do think that it is important that everyone knows that life is to be lived the way YOU want it to be! I will be 25 when I graduate if everything goes to plan... but that still leaves plenty of time to pursue a long career!

1 comment:

  1. good luck with school! i love the quote btw. very inspirational. cute blog :)
